2011년 8월 16일 화요일

Rewriting my first skill post

This summer, I need to get into a camp, and I can pick one of three, camp Big Apple, camp Head Start Splash, and camp Ranch West. I think, since I'm going there to study, camp Big Apple is the best compared to camp Head Start Splash and Ranch West. I have several reasons for it, and the things I care about the most are the environment and the professors.
 I think camp Big Apple has the best environment for studying English. First, we live in a dormitory with friends from around the world. You need to focus on the fact that your friends from the dormitory, are from other countries. Since English is the language that has most people speak, you probably would be speaking to each other in English. Because you will have to use English to communicate with your friends, you will speak a lot of English, then improve your English skills! At camp Big Apple, we prepare for important English tests such as SATs, and this means we're in the level that it is possible to prepare for these tests. They all know that, so they would work hard. On the other hand, at Ranch West, they can choose subjects that are for entertainment only, so we can abuse the freedom. Also, those two have more active activities, so the aftereffect will be worse for studying.
 Now, about the professors. They said that they would teach their students with korean professors with at least a masters degree, from American universities. Since korea isn't an english speaking country, for koreans, English would be a second language. But, to go to the American universities, you need to speak as good English as Americans, and have to compete with Americans who had more time to study, because their first language is English. They have more work to do than others, but they accomplished it successfully. This means they are not lazy, and they use their time well. Because they have the habit of being busy and trying best, they would also try their best to their students. but, at camp Ranch West, they are recent graduates, so they have no experience, and there's no mention about degrees, so you don't know the career of your teacher. For camp Head Start Splash, it's the same for them too.
 Although there certainly are some bad sides of camp Big Apple, compared to other camps, but I think those two benefits I mentioned above and other minor benefits, can overcome those bad sides. To conclude, I think camp Big Apple is the best.

2011년 8월 9일 화요일

hunger games

“The heat is horrible, but worse than the heat is the smoke, which threatens to suffocate me at any moment. I pull the top of my shirt up over my nose, grateful to find it soaked in sweat, and it offers a thin veil of protection. And I run, choking, my bag banging against my back, my face cut with branches that materialize from the gray haze without warning, because I know I am supposed to run.”
 "The heat is horrible, but smoke is worse, which can make me die of no air even now. I covered my nose with my shirt, thankful that it is soaked because of sweat, and it gives me a small protection. I run, my bag swinging, my face scratched from branches that appears suddenly from the smoke, because I know I need to run."

 This book tells about hunger games at Katniss Everdeen, the main character's view. She is from district12, and she provides food for her family by hunting because her father died in the coal mine. Once in a year, two children, one boy and one girl from a district, need to play in hunger games, and fight to death. This year, her little sister was chosen, so she went for her. The other boy, is Peeta Mellark, the baker's son. They had opening ceremony and interview. After a week, the hunger games started. Hunger game, is 24 players fighting each other, and only one can live. At there, she met a girl named Rue, from district11, and she was attracted to her because she looked like her sister. After Rue saved her life, she teamed up with her, but after a while, Rue was killed by another player, and she shot the player. After that, audience needed another attraction. At the interview, Peeta said that he had a crush on Katniss, so this was the chance of game makers. They changed the rule, and said that two players from same district could win together. she eventually finds Peeta, but he was in bad shape, so she made him healthy again. By then, only three players were left including them.  They all was gathered, and the wolves mixed with the dead players were around them. Katniss shoot the left player except district12. They won, but the announcer told them thare's only one winner, so  they tried double suicide, and then the announcer said they won. Peeta discovered that Katniss was't in love with him, and Katniss discuvered that Peeta was really in love with her, but they pretended for the adience , once more in the platform

Shark Attacks

It's very unlikely for you to get a shark attack. There are even chances of sharks not attcking you eventhough they saw you. Your more likely to be drowned or struck by a lightening. If you're still worried because of the chance of getting a shark attack, here's the way to lower the chance of getting shark attack. First, travel in groups because it's more likely for the shark to attack a person swimming than in groups. Second, don't go into water if your hurt because sharks have good noses, so they would sense you.

( I will paraphrase the second paragraph in 'Shark Attacks')
The possibility of getting a shark attack is very low. There are also situations of shark not attacking you even though you saw it.

2011년 8월 8일 월요일

After two weeks......

Now, two weeks had passed in this glps camp. So, I'd like to review some of the parts in subject. In class 18, we have 5 subjects; writing, debate, math, golf, and history. We have debate the most, then history, writing, math, golf. We speak korean in math and golf. My friends say that that's because they can't speak english, and othes are in english. The subject I like the best, well, it's math. These are the reasons why I don't like it. Debate, I 'm the judge oftenly, and I don't like that. History, this is better than most of the others because at history class, we have the freedom, but the problem is that it takes all of my time away and we need to do the presentation.Writing, I won't write the reason because this is the writing class. Golf, it's okay of some minutes, but doing it for two hours, it's a torture!
I wish that I could go home fast, and still, I have 12days left!!

2011년 8월 4일 목요일

Food Nutrition Eating Health Diet <span style='font-weight: bold'></span>
This is the picture of family in North Carolina,
Food Nutrition Eating Health Diet <span style='font-weight: bold'></span>
and this is the picture of family in Breidjing Camp. I'll compare and contrast these two, now.
 In the first picture, there's countless foods, but the second one, I can even count the numbers!! In the first one, it contains a lot of snacks and beverages, but on the other hand, second one doesn't have any meats, snacks, and beverages except water. I would be bored more with the second foods. About the wrappings, the wrappings in the first picture, is very colorful and has letters, when the second picture is only white with only size difference. More about wrappings, the first, most foods are in boxes or bottles, however, the second's foods are in sacks with even no lids!And, most of all, the first picture is full of junk foods, but the second picture shows healthy foods, maybe too healthy. the colors of the foods, tell us. First's foods and, especially beverages has the color of man-made. Cokes, you can recognize it with only colors, right? Second, well, it's just the color of nature. Even though the second one looks poorer and won't be so tasty, it would be healthier and better for you.
(Pictures from time photos)

2011년 8월 2일 화요일

About Camp

In this summer, I need to get into a camp, and I can pick one above three, camp Big Apple, camp Head Start Splash, and camp Ranch West. I think, since I 'm going there to study, camp Big Apple is the best compared to camp Head Start Splash and Ranch West. I have several reasons for it, and the thing I care about the most is environment and professors.
  I'll talk about  the environment and the benefits I can have about it if I go to camp Big Apple. I think, camp Big Apple has the best environment for studying english. First, we live in dormitory, with other students from around the world. The fact that we would live in dormitory doesn't really matter, but you need to focus on the fact that we live with students from other countries. English, is the language that a lot of people speak, around the world. So, if the people around the world meet, what language would they use? English! Because you will have to use English to communicate with your friends, you will speak a lot of english, and improve your english skills! Second, is the atmosphere. At camp Big Apple, we'll prepare for important English language tests like SATs, and it said that it's an intensive camp. If the students prepare for tests like SATs, that means that they have the ability to study for it, so they are in a quite high level. They all know that, so it won't be  a playing atmosphere. Besides, the teachers would direct you to make an intensive atmosphere. Ranch West, theycan choose the subjects that is for entertainments only, so we can abuse the freedom, and Head Start Splash, from the information, it seems  as if  it's more like playing than studying.
   Now, about the professors. They said that they would teach their students with korean professors, with at least masters degree, from an American university. Since korea isn't an English speaking country, for korean people, English would be a second language. To go to an American university, you will need to speak English fluently. That means, they are not lazy, and they can do more in same time. This means they would prepare well for the students. They would probably do their best to their students. On the other hand, at camp Ranch West, they just graduated, and there's no mention about degrees, so you'll never know the career of your teacher. Camp Head Start Splash,  it's same for them too.
 Although there certainly are some bad sides of  camp Big Apple, compared to other camps, but I think those two major benefits  I mentioned above, and other minor things, can overcome those bad sides. To conclude, I think camp Big Apple is the best.

2011년 7월 28일 목요일

My Plants

Singonium Variegata
 I'm going to write about my plants, and this is the first one, singonium. It likes water, and I give it water once in a week. But, I don't keep it in a bright place, because then, I would have to give it water more often. And, if I keep it in too sunny place, its leaves burn, and become useless. Also, because it likes water, it can live with roots only in water, like the picture.(In my room, I have few of those using that way.) I think it's very easy to keep it. It can live without water for two weeks( I didn't keep it like that for more than two weeks.), and it really grows fast.( It was nessesary for me to change the pot.)

About Clara

Hello, my name is Clara, and I live in a big city, eventhough I lived in country side a year ago. I'm pretty stubborn, and I almost get what I want, except the case of meeting a more stubborn girl. ( I really need to change this!!!!) You might have guessed it, but I'm not the coolist girl in the world.( If I'm cool as the temperture now, I'll no have other wishes. Maybe I will. So cold.)
Anyways, I like playing badminton at park, with my dad and sister, at a small playground in our apartment. Recently, I've played it until I reached three-hundred. That's my best score. Also, I like keeping plants. so, there's a lot of plants in my room. I think it's pretty cool, plants growing the way I take care of it, eventhough most of you or all won't think that way. I think keeping them in water is the best. I don't have to take care of them much. I hope I go to my home soon, (even if it's hopeless,) and that's pretty much of me. Thank you.